
Volume 28

June 28, 2021


Teacher Jessica and I would like to thank you for all of the hard work you have done this year. This past year has presented challenges but all of you showed resilience. Summer is upon us and is presenting some excellent opportunities to gather outside and explore the world around us. For reference, there are a few things you can partake in that are both safe and fun.

  • Wading pools and spray parks are great ways to splash in the sun while saving water!  These water parks operate when there’s no rain in the day’s forecast and the air temperature is expected to be 70 degrees or higher. If unsure, you can call the Wading Pool Hotline for same-day updates at (206) 684-7796. The recording is updated by late morning each day.

  • Summer movies for kids at Regal. Bring the family to the nearest Regal theatre for our 2021 Summer Movie Express series! Summer Movie Express tickets are just $1 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays featuring summer movies the whole family will enjoy.

Problem Solving

Be Curious: Ada Twist, Scientist – This week we will learn about how to be curious. Here is a book about a little girl named Ada who is very curious about the world and loves to do experiments and ask “why” questions. After listening to the book with your child, talk with your child about how Ada was a very curious child and ask them to think about examples from the book of when she was curious. Ask your child what they are curious about in the world and help them find answers or explore those curiosities. Try not to just give them the answer if it is something you can test and explore together. Here is the link:

Math / Science

Create a scavenger hunt – This is something the kids enjoy doing during our sessions. You don’t need to make a whole list— you can say anything such as, “Find me something that starts with the letter B,” or “Find me something that is the color blue” and let them run around the house searching. Don’t forget to incorporate shapes, letters, numbers, colors to the scavenger hunt. To keep your kids motivated, you might reward them by letting them choose a dish for dinner or a sticker once they’ve found 10 things.

Art / Writing

Book Making – Children have so many stories to tell, and only need help writing or drawing it all down. Fold paper in half and staple at the crease to make pages. After the story is drawn or written, go back and read it to the child so they can illustrate each page. This simple activity builds confidence, self-esteem and literacy skills. You can find a mini size book or a big white book that has empty pages from the school supplies given that you can use to create your own story!

Language / Literacy

Story time – In this week’s video please enjoy Teacher Nicole’s story time while she reads Llama Llama. Teacher Nicole is another Teacher that works for Neighborhood House, and we are thankful that she has shared this video with us! Use the password that I have previously given to you, or ask me for it again.